Loving Yourself to Health
This program is for the woman who walks in the many shoes of life – at work, with family, amongst friends, and in community activities & organizations. The demands on your time can be utterly draining and often result in exhaustion and sometimes illness. Do you find you get so busy being of service to others you neglect yourself, putting your own self-love last?
A mega dose of vitamin L (love) is just what you need. Join me for “Loving Yourself to Health”, and feel the love in this four-part program:
Keep Your Neurotransmitters Fired-Up ~ The Power of Positive Thinking
Reboot Your Battery ~ Self-Care at its Best
Fill Your Fuel Tank ~ Nutrient Rich Foods
Grab Some Girl Time ~ The Power of Support
I’m looking forward to celebrating you as the lovely, loving being you are!
If you would like to bring this signature workshop into your workplace, organization, or into your home to do with friends, contact Janet at connect@roots2wellness.com to discuss the details.